10 Perfect Google Font Pairings for your designs

As a Graphic designer or a design student, you may know how hard it is to find the perfect font combination. You will eventually find the right balance between readability and good composition – and that can be a challenging process. If you’ve been stuck between various ideas, this article help you nail down the perfect fonts combinations with these 10 fresh Google Fonts pairings. Each suggestion works harmoniously to make your typography beautiful and effective. Appart from that Google Fonts are 100% free for use and perfect for web typography!

So take a look and download everything you love ! We hope this will be a valuable resource for all students and graphic designers with a keen eye, but tight budget.

1- Cardo + Almendra Display


google-fonts-pairings-1Download Cardo Regular and Almendra Display Regular from Google Fonts.

2- Oswald + Domine

google-fonts-pairings-2Download Oswald Bold and Domine Regular from Google Fonts.

3- Nixie One + Libre Baskerville Italic

google-fonts-pairings-3Download Pixie One Regular and Libre Baskerville Italic from Google Fonts.

4- Playfair Display + Fauna One

google-fonts-pairings-4Download Playfair Display Black / Black Italic and Fauna One Regularfrom Google Fonts.

5- Gentium Basic + Open Sans Light

google-fonts-pairings-5Download Gentium Basic Regular / Bold Italic and Open Sans Light from Google Fonts.

6- Lobster + Muli

google-fonts-pairings-6Download Lobster Regular and Muli Italic / Regular From Google Fonts.

7- Lora + Open Sans

Download Lora Regular and Open Sans Extrabold from Google Fonts.

8- Raleway + Merriweather

google-fonts-pairings-8Download Raleway Light / Regular / Medium and Merriweather Light from Google Fonts.

9- PT Sans + PT Serif


10- Quicksand + EB Garamond


Download Quicksand Light / Bold and EB Garamond Regular from Google Fonts.

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